Sunday, August 30, 2009

What if....

You've played the game, right? I have the enviable ability to play it all by myself or with my kids. It's a great writing warm-up exercise. It's actually just good fun if, in fact, you have any slight tendencies to enjoy being silly. You can really make the whole game as kooky as you want. It's all up to you. Last Friday morning, as I was playing the game all by my lonesome (I know, pathetic), when I began wondering this....
I started out wondering what if marshmallows had crumbs which was quickly followed by if they did would it be possible to squish/piece a bunch of crumbs all back together to make a new marshmallow? You might guess I began wondering what if I ate them at that point.
But you'd be wrong. Sort of. As strange as it may seem, I began wondering something I'd not wondered about before....
What if, just what if, I was a competitive eater? Weird huh? I mean, I'm guessing, like writing or other passion, you gotta practice to further yourself. So I'm guessing a competitive eaters mantra might go something like "eat, eat, eat!" as opposed to "read, read, read!" Wow. The world of competitive eating is soooo fascinating to me. Really. Go ahead. You may now begin chuckling.

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