Friday, January 29, 2010

A little help?

Take a peek. Really. Go on. Go....

Monday, January 25, 2010

Now THAT'S depressing

Today is the most depressing day of the year. Seriously. That's what all the professionals tell us. The last Monday in the month of January is traditionally known as the most depressing day of the year. The decorations are down, the debt once again becomes apparent, and...I refuse to continue. It's depressing. BUT there are those days (take for instance, my older sister in the midst of one of those days on the left). AND there are better days too (I offer again, as example, the antiquated photo to the left where a giant grin seems to have plastered itself upon my face after swiftly circling in the tropical air just above my head for what seemed like an eternity). Personally, I'm more fond of National Pizza without Anchovies Day but, hey, I'm gonna just roll with the punches. After all, yesterday our local paper ran a story I wrote (the non depressing and non fictional kind)....

Sunday, January 17, 2010

It's a Party!

It's a party and you're invited!
When: 1/25-1/31, 2010
Who: Anyone who loves children's books
What: Party favors, Door prizes, games, videos and more!!
Teachers/Librarians - win a 30 minute Skype author visit or The Grand Prize TOO PURPLEY! Package.
Authors - win a Picture Book Peek Critique

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Combo

I'm a sucker for contests. Even an occasional raffle. As long as the price is right. And free I'm particularly fond of. Yes sirree, writing contests have the ability to occupy countless hours of my time if given the chance. Sad and yet so pathetically true. Several years ago, I entered a little somethin' in a contest Half Price Books had put together and found myself with a story published in the 12th edition (don't be frightened of the little guy with bulging eyes, missing feet, and hair in all the wrong places) . Wanna know the best part? The best, best, BEST part of it all was seeing MY words and the illustrators art work their magic together on the page(s) before my very eyes. Do you think oh, I don't know, say Dr. Seuss or any one of those super gigantic phenomenal authors ever grew accustom to that magical pairing that takes place between the pages of a picture book? I just wonder...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

4 for '10

My ode to the woodchuck....ehm...

How much football could a football watch if a football could watch ball?

I'll wait a minute for the applause (or moans) to stop.

*****whistling, whistling, whistling*****

The way I figure it, I haven't chucked much wood in my life, but over the past few days, I believe I may have just reached my football quota. I did manage to gleen something from the great Lou Holtz though -

The 4 Things You Need in Life

1. Something to do

2. Someone that believes in you

3. Someone to love

4. Someone to believe in