Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mark your calendars!

Wanted to pass this along....

National StepfaStep-family coach Caudette Chenevert, founder of Coaching Steps LLC, based in Herndon, Va., is offering an opportunity to win a $50 gift card to a restaurant in the United States as the prize in a contest in honor of National Stepfamily Day.
Chenervert writes on her blog:
“National Stepfamily Day is on September 16th. It was started by a woman named Christy Borgeld in 1997 to put aside a day where stepfamilies could come together and honor the good they do. Too many times, we emphasize what is not working in a family. Let's take this time to celebrate all that is right within our stepfamilies.
"In honor of National Stepfamily Day, I have created a special contest. Stepfamily members are asked to submit an example of an activity that draws their family closer together. All participants will receive a free article on creating rituals and special moments, and their submissions may also be published in the Coaching Steps newsletter. The person who submits the most creative inspirational idea will get a $50.00 gift card to a restaurant in the United States. The contest ends on National Stepfamily Day, September 16, 2009. Send your submission to"

I'm in!


  1. Wow, kudos on this one. My parents have always been together. But the memories I have are with my ex, and they are all bad. Makes me feel so sad for my son.

  2. What's that old saying - What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. If you haven't already, read "A Child Called It". It's a tough read but I truly can't imagine much worse.
